Mark Blumenthal

Show Me

Mrs Jane King lived in Missouri and showed why that state deserved its motto, The Show Me State . In 1973 Bob Goldman, the Wolffs and I played on a regional knock out team that she sponsored. We didn’t win, but she didn’t say anything about it., probably in deference to Bobby Wolff, with whom she had played.

Some years after that I have heard she sponsored a Swiss team made up by top bridge professionals including Orval Swander who was the best bridge player in Kansas City when I moved there. The team  had a rocky first match. Orval apologized for having made a mistake.

Mrs King told Orval he was benched. The team did very well on the next two matches so Orval remained sidelined. The next match her team won, and lost only one IMP.

Mrs King asked, “Who lost the IMP? “One member of her team raised his hand. Mrs King said, “Alright, you’re out, and Orval is in.”

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