Bridge Tip # 24
by Mark Blumenthal on
May 17th, 2009
Aces are meant to take kings. It is very rarely correct to underlead an ace against a suit contract. Not only may it give away a trick because declarer has the unsupported king without the QJ in dummy , or your partner may not be able to read the situation. If you lead the four of hearts against the contract of four spades, and dummy has has QJ532, your partner with K976 should duck because declarer should have a singleton ace . Similarly, partner should play the eight from K98 if dummy has Q1043 and declarer plays low. Again, If the three has been led dummy has KJ42 of hearts and declarer plays low it is the correct play by your partner has the Q984 to play the eight of hearts If dummy has the KJ64 and partner has the H92 partner should play the nine of hearts assuming you led from the heart ten as opposed to the heart ace .
There is one situation in which underleading the ace is often may be considered. That is when the dummy on your left has shown a strong balanced hand by opening one or two no trump, and you feel from the bidding and your hand you have no other outstanding lead.